Saturday, February 23, 2008


The rain falls on the roof above my head
As I lay awake on my bed
Its cadence providing a rhythm
To my thoughts and imaginations

The darkened street is empty
The dogs barking endlessly
I can see almost nothing
But lights from windows flickering

Everyone seems drifted to dreamland
While my sleep i have yet to find
My head aches, my heart is in pain
An endless cycle, time and again

I lost a love that I had found
I've set it free yet it comes back
I feel it still yet I've let go
For my heart belongs to someone else now

I've given it to someone
Who's not accepted it yet
Doesn't even know its given
How on earth can it be taken?

Yet I feel okay with this arrangement
For love even if unreciprocated
Is the kind that's pure and true
Expressed and shared by and among a few

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