Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Color of Love

They have just entered the narrow alley that led to their humble home when he heard the murmurs, the whispers. It happens every Sunday. Well, it actually happened everyday, except that on Sundays, from Church, the alley is filled with working people on a weekend break adding to the numbers of the those seemingly forever in a break. He should’ve been used to it by now. For seven years, this was his routine. His ears have been practically trained to shut out the din as he passed by the narrow road.

Feeling the tension building up in her husband, Reanna tightened her hold on his arms. Enrico’s face was showing the strain of intolerance. She quickened her pace, almost pulling him forward. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a bare-chested man rise from the group of drunken men gathered in front of Aling Susan’s store. She felt her heart beat twice its normal pace. The alley seemed alive, the noises unintelligible yet growing stronger. There were laughter and teasing that elicited more laughter, yet it wasn’t the kind of cheer you’d want to stay and bask in. Not when you are the object of the collective fun.

It was all over in a flash. It all happened at once. The arm she held on to was now holding on to her, dragging her, falling to the mud-filled road. Her world seemed to be spinning until she could only see the sky moving fast. She saw familiar faces worried faces that urging her to hang on. But her line of sight was blurred. One minute she saw the murky road, the next she saw people upside down. The again she saw the sky -- the blue peaceful sky. Did she actually see a bird? No, she struggled in her mind, it is a rainbow. It had rained earlier and this was God’s sign after the Great Flood. Yes, the sermon at the Church earlier. She closed her eyes hoping her dizzying spell will go away. It did as she felt being lain on a cushion amid the din of the blaring siren. Then everything fell silent.

(to be continued)

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